Exhibit #1: Birthday at Zieger Field
When we met to transfer the cake over for his birthday she brought Ben with her, and I wasn't even sure if he liked it. He just nodded and left. She told me later that after we were out of sight, he grinned from ear to ear raving about how much he loved it, but asking his mom if he acted "cool". I guess it's a teenager thing.
An unusual occurrence happened during the construction of this cake... I goofed on the icing. I pulled chocolate and (what I thought was) regular butter cream out of my freezer, but as it turned out, I had thawed the pre-made batch of cordial cream filling (where all I had to do was add confectioner's sugar to make it thick). I couldn't figure out why the icing was so thin and sticky. It dawned on me after I found the faded label on the side that this was the marshmallow and butter starter for the cream. I learned 2 very important lessons that day: 1. always mark your containers with permanent marker and 2. the marshmallow cream and butter starter mixed with chocolate butter cream made a very tasty icing. I'll have to try to replicate my mistake later for future use.
Exhibit #2: Martinsburg Madness
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